November 10, 2023
My Way Club Restaurant
November 10, 2023Fiscardo Chandlers
Fiskardo Chandlers - Located in Fiscardo and Aghia Eufimia, they specialize in boat equipment, beachwear, diving gear, fishing tackle, gadgets, fashion, and outdoor essentials. In 2023, our journey began as we embarked on a digital transformation.
We initiated a rebranding process with a representative logo and crafted attractive, contemporary texts that built trust with their audience.
This was just the beginning, as we proceeded to create a modern website that not only enhanced their digital presence but also effectively channeled their services and products to the market, providing an enriching experience for customers.

"We kicked off the transformation for Fiskardo Chandlers with a representative logo and engaging contemporary texts, establishing trust with their audience. Building on this foundation, we extended the modernization to their website, ensuring a sleek and appealing online presence."
Fiscardo Chandlers
2023 - On going
Web Development